Monday, April 25, 2011


No one reads this blog anyway, but hurrah! Finally a teaser. This one comes from WIP 2. Tentatively titled ALL THE RIGHT MOVES. Yes, it has a title now. I am so proud of myself. It has a very cute and dorky Irish boy, a very stubborn chess player that will not admit love is exactly what she needs, and dancing. Lots and lots of dancing. Irish boy may or may not be part of that.
"Just answer me this. Why did you make her fall for you if you weren't going to catch her?"
And just for the heck of it, here is another!

My curiosity eats me whole and I just can't take it anymore. I have to ask him. "What do you think of her?" I look away, as if his response won't matter.

His eyes find mine again. "I don't."

1 comment:

amber d* said...

Irish boy and those two teasers = me loving this story already!