Sunday, December 26, 2010

Can someone please tell me why I am crying?

I mean, I'm only writing. So why am I crying? Why? Why? Why?

Sunday, December 12, 2010

And that is how fictional characters are birthed...

Daphne meet Pencey. Get ready to fall deep in love whether you like it or not.

EDIT: So names are changed. Pencey is now an idiot. Noland, get in there. GET IN THERE AND FIGHT FOR YOUR WOMAN.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

What I'm Researching

I don't know how it happened, but chess is now in my WIP. (WIP 2 died before a word even came out...) Although for WIP 3 (something contemporary for once!) I haz a crazy idea concerning chess geeks. DUNDUNDUN.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


I finally know how it feels to love your characters. I have NaNoWriMo to thank for that.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stealing from Myself / NaNoWriMo

It's that time of the year again where I excitedly sign up for NaNoWriMo, write 1600 words a day for a week, and then slack off. A LOT. I don't even think I can last a week. Maybe two or three days? This year school has been so hectic. I don't even have time to read--which is a very, very sad thing to point out. (And yes, school books do not count...) But I will try.

I had this extremely weird dream the other day. I think it was this Monday or Tuesday, but I'm not quite sure. All I knew was I saw some weird author lady talking about her book, and in my dream, I was saying, "WOW. HOW DID I NOT THINK OF THAT?"-- Cue weird looking crazy people attacking each other--I wanted to know what else would happened. I was thinking of buying said book. BUT THEN. What happens when you're so into your dream all the time? You wake up. It's like fate wants to figure it out on your own.

And you know what? I haven't dreamt about the same thing since.

The first thing that came to my mind when I woke up was that dream. I was so disappointed that I didn't know what would happen in the end. And then it hit me. It's not that weird lady's book idea! It's MINEEEE NOW. MINEE. MINEEEE. MINEEEE. MINEEEE. I mean, sure, I stole it from my sub conscience. But it will understand.

So I thought of putting WIP1 on hold ( like I ever didn't) and focus on this story. But today, I was thinking of my tendency to get stuck and decided to switch in between the both of them. This year, my goal isn't to write 50,000 words. It's to get some action going on in my stories.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Take One. Again.

It's okay. Sometimes you NEED to rewrite, especially if you are me. The characters worked, but my planning didn't. Things were rushed; nothing made sense; etc. But I have more than enough time to perfect this story. And I'm going to make the best of it.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Magic of Tumblr

Today is June 21st, 2010. An obvious statement.

I've been holding off on expanding on my idea for a very, very long time. I want to write it...heck, I can't even sleep until very late in the night even when the lights are out because I keep thinking about this story. I feel like I know these characters like the back of my hand, but I don't. This story has been through so many plot changes that I'm finally feeling like this is THE one. But that's how I've been feeling for the last couple of months about the same story before it went through a major plot change.

I signed up for JulNoWriMo. I know NaNoWriMo gave me the push I needed to see my story was headed in the wrong direction so I'm hoping next month will either tell me to stick with this idea or toss it out like last week's trash. (Although a week long trash does seem very dirty...)

My uncertainty in my story led me to do some things on Tumblr to help me. Maybe they'll help you too. Maybe they won't. Maybe you'll just sit, point, and laugh. Either way, I'm still writing what I did.

1. I made a tumblr for my MC. The pictures uploaded on there are so surreal that it actually inspires some scenes in the story. I can also develop my MC because I know what she likes and what she doesn't. I know what she'd actually "tumblog" and what she'd dismiss off. (Keep in mind that my character WOULD not have a tumblr, hehe.)

2. I looked for pictures of my MC on the site. Lots of pictures on there are how I imagine my MC to be, but I'm not happy about looking for her face so I'm glad tumblr has photos that don't even show the face.

3. Tumblrs have pictures with quotes on them. Quotes that I can't but help think it was MADE for my story. (sorry, didn't mean to sound so possessive there...)

Just as an example, here is one of the images my "MC" reblogged.

Another thing I'm worried about is foreshadowing. I still don't understand the concept even if my English teacher stressed on it so, so much. I guess I just have to outline everything out before I can really dive into the story. Maybe I'll find some peace in that.

Happy Monday!